Thursday, December 9, 2010

Oh my how the days go by....

Hi everyone,

Wow, I can't believe it's been five months since I last posted (!!!)  I feel so bad for neglecting my website and blog for so long;  however, I have been doing really REALLY well.  I am progressing well at school and my etsy shop is doing better than I ever would have imagined.  I am incredibly thankful for each and every customer and order and I feel blessed to have made a niche for myself in the etsy marketplace.

Each month of this year has become progressively busier and I find that I have less and less time to create anything new.  I have heard other artists discuss this and thought, "Oh, that will never happen to me".  Over Thanksgiving break I was able to crank out a few new items for the etsy shop, which you can view below.

These are called Phoenix Igniting and  feature rooster and peacock feathers attached to a fabric backing and set in gorgeous bead caps

 These are called Pegasus and feature white schlappen strung on either gold, copper, or silver chains.

These are called Persephone and feature irridescent and black schlappen strung on silver chains.

These are called Rapunzel and feature locally sourced, CRUELTY FREE rooster feathers strung on silver chain.

These are called the golden peacock and look awesome with some gold jewelry!

I got some of the photos from my pinup shoot back in April and I am so happy with how they turned out... I have posted some of those below :)

Can you say Lucille Ball?  I love it!

I've also been knitting a bit.  Mostly small projects.. I did finish another Ogee Lace Wrap

I'm also working on a myrtle and butterfly crossover sweater that will look incredible!

 Au Revoir!


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